Just finish marking the Physics common test of my students from Shuqun 4/3. In fact I marked it 3 times, after getting advice from the setter of the paper as well as the HOD.
46 students. 21 Failures.
Maybe some would say one of the worst thing about teaching is getting the class's attention. Others will say it's impossible to get students to adopt the right studying attitude. Or just simply to behave in a way as to show respect to elders/teachers/authority and basically, do as what we tell them to.
For me, it's seeing my efforts gone to waste. As I mark the test I wonder is it that the students just simply do not understand, or did they not bother to study at all? Wrong study method perhaps? No interest in this particular subject? Or rather, that the teacher (me) is ineffective and useless?
First blood goes to my cute students from 4/3 (Normal Acad).
Here are some interesting answers...
A very common mistake - usage of non SI units and wrong units.
Errors of wrong concepts, though look trivial, are actually more sinister and harder to correct. Weight is not mass, weight is not measured in kg but newtons; mass is in kg....

Some get confused, because we use similiar some words in physics...
potential difference = potential energy due gravity?
Some gets creative...
Some are very considerate and for my well-being, decided to cut down on the marking I need to do....
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